Entering a state of true illumination, nirbikalpa samadhi, these saints have realized the supreme reality behind all names and forms. Swami sri yukteswar 18551936 of serampore, was eminently fitted to discern the underlying unity between the scriptures of christianity and of sanatan. The holy science by swami sri yukteswar the holy science by swami sri yukteswar pdf, epub ebook d0wnl0ad this extraordinary treatise explores parallel passages from the bible and the hindu scriptures to reveal the essential unity of all religions. Sri yukteswar was a disciple of lahiri mahasaya and attained the spiritual stature of a jnanavatar, or incarnation of wisdom.
Swami sri yukteswar was an illumined master and the guru of paramahansa yogananda. The gospel the goal the procedure the revelation the gospel according to sri yukteshwar. Swami sri yukteswar sets out to prove that this mistake in understanding is a result of inaccurately interpreting the duration of the ancient cycles or yugas. Yukteshwar was an educator, astronomer, a jyotisha vedic astrologer, a yogi, and a believer in the bhagavad gita and the bible. Aug 02, 20 buy the holy science by yukteswar, swami sri isbn. This ebook is available for free download from yuga theory of sri yukteswar in the holy science page 2 of 8. Swami sri yukteswar sets out to prove that this mistake in understanding is a result of inaccurately interpreting. Prophets of all lands and ages have succeeded in their godquest. The holy science by sri sri yukteswar giri at vedic books. Sri yukteswar converted his large twostory family home in serampore into an ashram, named priyadham, where he resided with students and disciples. The holy science by sri yukteswar full audiobook youtube. Swami sri yukteswar giri 18551936, indias jnanavatar, incarnation of wisdom. Sri yukteswar wrote the holy science on the advice of mahavatar babaji in order to show unity between bible and hindu scriptures. Sri yukteswar recognized that a synthesis of the spiritual heritage of the east with the science and technology of the west would do much to alleviate the material, psychological, and spiritual suffering of the modern world.
Sri yukteswar giri the holy science download religion. One of the most profound moments in my life, the clarity of wisdom truly touched my soul. The resurrection of sri yukteswar and sri yukteswar discusses the nature of the astral and causal worlds sitting on my paramhansa yoganandas bed in the bombay hotel at three oclock in the afternoon of june 19, 1936 i was roused from my meditation by a beatific light. Holy science by sri yukteswar paramahansa yogananda. Their wisdom and spiritual counsel have become the scriptures of the world. Sri yukteswar states that he wrote the holy science at the request of mahavatar babaji. Yogananda considered yukteswar as jnanavatar, or incarnation of wisdom. The holy science part 1 swami sri yukteswar audiobook. The holy science book download pdf written by swami sri yukteswar giri in 1894 under the title kaivalya darsanam. The holy science by swami sri yukteswar free pdf d0wnl0ad, audio books, books to read, good books to.
Buy the holy science book online at low prices in india the. An educator and an intellectual vedic astrologer, swami yukteswar is a member of the famous giri branch, and is also known as swami sri yukteswar giri. Dec 25, 2018 sri yukteswar the holy science pdf by swami sri yukteswar priya nath swami original edition, india lovers of of the holy science pdf 7 mb, published privately in kidderpore by his. His pathbreaking book, the holy science, received much accolades in the past and is currently being researched by the researchers at the binary research institute. By swami sri yukteswar priya nath swami original edition, india lovers of of the holy science pdf 7 mb, published privately in kidderpore by his. Also explained is the great cycle of world ages yugas, of which there is currently a transition. Sri yukteswar states that he wrote the holy science. Holy science by swami sri yukteswar, 9780876120514, download free ebooks, download free pdf epub ebook. Sri yukteswar giri the holy science religious belief and. The book compares parallel passages from the bible and upanishads in order to. Pdf the holy science download full pdf book download.
Sri yukteswar was asked by babaji to write a book showing the underlying similarities between hinduism and christianity. The past life of swami sri yukteswar, guru of paramhansa yogananda. Holy science class series with nayaswami jaya march 28 class16. This book was called the holy science and is an in depth look at the underlying harmony between the bible and hindu scriptures. He was a disciple of lahiri mahasaya of varanasi and a member of the giri branch of the swami order. In it, sri yukteswar compares sanskrit slokas to the writings of the new testament. The book compares parallel passages from the bible and upanishads in order to show the unity of all religions. Jul 28, 2017 the purpose of this book is to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions. In this book sri yukteswar also describes a recurring cycle of human development, called the cycle of the yugas, or ages, which are mentioned in hindu scriptures. The holy science swami sri yukteswar giri this extraordinary treatise explores parallel passages from the bible and the hindu scriptures to reveal the essential unity of all religions. Sri yukteshwar gives us a four way approach in his book, the holy science. He is a fool that cannot conceal his wisdom, could never be applied to sri yukteswar. Syncretism is the opposite of division and disunity and covers all the big topics like theology, astrotheology, natural science, astrology, reclaiming dominion, breaking. Sri sri swami sri yukteswar giri seventh edit urn i 972 third printing 1977.
Swami sri yukteswar giri the holy science was written by sri yukteswar at the behest of mahavatar babaji. Sri yukteswar holy science epub download 29 jun one of the most profound moments in my life, the clarity of wisdom truly touched my soul. During the journey, he takes advantage of any convenient short cut. The holy science is a book written by swami sri yukteswar giri in 1894 under the title kaivalya darsanam. With incomparable wisdom and discernment, sri yukteswar explains the universal evolution of consciousness, energy, and matter the entire spectrum of. Sri yukteswar giri the holy science religious belief. The holy science swami sri yukteswar giri download. Online the holy science by swami sri yukteswar ebook pdf download. After my wife died, i joined the swami order and received the new name of sri yukteswar giri such are my simple annals. The holy science demonstrates, by explanation of parallel passages from the hindu and christian scriptures, the essential unity of the great religious teachings of east and west. Aug 28, 2019 yogananda considered yukteswar as jnanavatar, or incarnation of wisdom. Read and download ebook the holy science pdf public ebook library.
If they hadnt humanity would have become extinct, we are on them exam professionalcloudarchitect outline now, said shelton in a low tone, these be good humours, indeed, i always thrilled at the touch of sri yukteswar s holy feet. Though yugas was not the main subject of the book, during the introduction, he explained about four yugas, how they are formed and about the common mistake of considering the present age as kali yuga. The holy science presented is a guide for the sons of god living to overstand the great work. The holy science download ebook pdf, epub, tuebl, mobi. Sri yukteswar the holy science pdf by swami sri yukteswar priya nath swami original edition, india lovers of of the holy science pdf 7 mb, published privately in kidderpore by his. Yukteswar wrote the holy science in in the introduction, he wrote. Sri yukteswar giri the holy science there is document sri yukteswar giri the holy science available here for reading and downloading. Swami sri yukteswar traces the indian yugas, arguing that our world is already in dwapara yuga an age of increasing light rather than kali yuga a darker age. The yogi swami yukteswar, 1 although he thought he was not well versed versed in hindu scriptures, wrote a book called kaivalya darsanam. He also explains the vast recurring cycles of civilization, affording a profound understanding of history and the everchanging panorama of turbulent world events. Because of my gurus unspectacular guise, only a few of his contemporaries recognized him as a superman. Sri yukteswar holy science epub download pdfin website. Swami sri yukteswar was passed on, videos, the holy science santos bonacci more books to download.
The holy science by swami sri yukteswar mobipocket. Nov 23, 2015 sri yukteswar giri the holy science there is document sri yukteswar giri the holy science available here for reading and downloading. Sri yukteswar wrote the holy science at the request of mahavatar babaji with the purpose of bridging eastern and western spirituality. Swami sri yukteswar, the revered guru of paramahansa yogananda, outlines the universal path that every human being must travel to enlightenment. Read the holy science by swami sri yukteswar for online ebook. Sri yukteswar founded two hermitages, one of which was his family home given to him by his father as his inheritance. A short discussion with mathematical calculation of the yugas or ages will explain the fact that the present age for the world is dwapara yuga, and that 194 years of yuga have now ad 1894 passed away, brnging a rapid development in mans knowledge. Google certified professional cloud architect gcp new mock exam. Sri yukteswar completed the requested book in 1894, naming it kaivalya darsanam, or the holy science. With incomparable wisdom and discernment, sri yukteswar explains the universal evolution of consciousness, energy, and matter the entire spectrum of experience that. Yuga theory of sri yukteswar in the holy science discussion about yugas in his book the holy science, swami sri yuktewar discusses about yugas, the mathematical calculation of yugas, how the present time is wrongly calculated as kali yuga and concludes that the present yuga is dwapara yuga. This extraordinary treatise explores parallel passages from the bible and the hindu scriptures to reveal the essential unity of all religions. The resurrection of sri yukteswar and sri yukteswar.
Jan 16, 2014 syncretism is the opposite of division and disunity and covers all the big topics like theology, astrotheology, natural science, astrology, reclaiming dominion, breaking the fictions of religion. Holy science swami sri yukteswar download free ebook. The holy science of lord shiva is a comprehensive journey and thus an exploration of inner awareness through the symbolism explained from read the holy science by swami sri yukteswar available from rakuten kobo. Lovers of sri yukteswar s galactic book find here a free download of the original 1920. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Sri yukteswar giri the holy science free download as pdf file. Lovers of sri yukteswars galactic book find here a free download of the original 1920 edition of the holy science pdf 7 mb, published. It is 2 on the fictitious basic unity between the christian and hindu scriptures 3 by use of parallel references read. In this book he outlines the universal path that every human being must travel to enlightenment. However, even though this book has verses from the bible, its flavor is distinctly eastern. Publishers note 2 the holy science nal father, god, the only. The holy science presented is a guide for the sons. At the behest of lahiri mahasayas guru, mahavatar babaji, he wrote the holy science, a treatise on the underlying unity of christian and hindu scriptures.
In the last year of his life, sri yukteswar turned over all his properties to paramhansa yogananda, asking him to find someone to maintain them. It is only when a traveler has reached his goal that he is justified in discarding his maps. Sep 20, 2018 sri yukteswar holy science epub download 29 jun one of the most profound moments in my life, the clarity of wisdom truly touched my soul. With the resetting of the type for the 1972 edition, it was possible to arrange the book so that the sanskrit rendition of each sutra precept summarizing vedic teaching is followed by its. Use the download button below or simple online reader.
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